Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!

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  1. Darkman-92™

    User deleted

    My own personal philosophy on games is that whatever a game is, no matter how clunky or horrible or derivative it is, no matter what, somebody has spent time on it. I owe that person at least the courtesy to write about their game. Sometimes, I’m not very kind. Sometimes that game deserves it. Sometimes a game is just plain bad and there is no other way to describe it.

    As much as I don’t like pointing to the negatives of a game, as much as I try to focus on the positives… the parts which actually make it worth while. The parts where the developer tried. As much as I’d like to be kind to everything… sometimes the bad parts of a game are just so overwhelming there is nothing else to write about.

    As much as I’d like to be kind to Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! a game whose name is very, very excellent, there just isn’t anything good about it. For example, there are no enemies. Just candles which you might accidentally touch. They’ll kill you if you do. The levels are supersized – a plus in other games – but the graphics don’t change. Red blocks on a white background just isn’t very interesting. To move forward, you have to be an inch from the side of the screen, cannon fodder for any candles you might hop on without warning. Though, perhaps the cruellest, most annoying part of this annoying game is that despite its REALLY good title… you just can’t bounce. Now that’s just plain silly.

    All of these traits are crammed into one game and has been given out for download and review way before it was ready. The developer should have kept this as reference material and gone on to make something better, much better, then laughed at this years later. If all this hasn’t convinced you what this game is like, allow me to summarise: Without a doubt, this game is completely Bogus! Bogus! Bogus!

0 replies since 17/1/2008, 19:42   143 views